Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Success Guide

Feeling Bored? Here Are 100 Things You Can Do

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Are you feeling bored? It happens to the best of us. Everyone has had a time in their life when they’ve felt bored, but some people get bored more than others. To keep yourself from the pains of boredom, it’s great to have a list of some things you can do. So, to get the most comprehensive list for you to end your boredom, here are 100 great things you can do.

When You’re With Friends or Family

Kids Playing
By Robert Collins

If you are with friends and family, here are 50 things everyone can do.

  1. Go ice skating
  2. Watch a movie at the movie theater
  3. Throw a board game night
  4. Have a video game night with friends
  5. Go for a bike ride together
  6. Do a movie marathon or move night
  7. Play sports together
  8. Go on a walk together
  9. Make a time capsule together
  10. Work on a puzzle together
  11. Go to a concert with each other
  12. Have a picnic
  13. Go on a boat ride together
  14. Head to the beach
  15. Do a scavenger hunt
  16. Play karaoke with your friends
  17. Chat by a campfire if it’s nighttime
  18. Play charades to see who is a better actor
  19. Have a potluck for everyone to bring their signature dishes
  20. Throw an ice cream social
  21. Cook together
  22. Go shopping with friends. This is great if there is an upcoming holiday
  23. Go roller skating
  24. Hike together
  25. Go out to eat at a restaurant
  26. Visit an arcade
  27. Go to the playground
  28. Check out a park together
  29. Go to a ball game
  30. Stargaze with others
  31. Visit an amusement park
  32. Go to a play or musical
  33. Have a treasure hunt with friends
  34. Make a gingerbread house if Christmas is near
  35. Start a new tradition
  36. Go geocaching together
  37. Visit a zoo
  38. Tie-dye shirts together
  39. Go on a hot air balloon ride
  40. Decorate for an upcoming holiday
  41. Have a BBQ
  42. Go for a ride together throughout town. You might want to try having the windows down
  43. Binge watch a TV show together
  44. Go snorkeling or scuba diving
  45. Have a contest for something. Maybe you can even have a prize for the winner
  46. Watch sports on TV together
  47. Go skiing
  48. Visit a skate park together
  49. Look up funny images and memes together
  50. Brainstorm ideas together

When You’re AloneCafe full of People

If you are alone or just want some time by yourself, there is plenty that you can do. Here are 50.

  1. Surf the web for some ideas that you’ve had recently
  2. Read home improvement articles. Check out some articles on Plan and Organize
  3. Read that book you’ve never opened
  4. Draw out and write about your dream house
  5. Go for a long run. This can burn time, and it’s relaxing
  6. Write down your cool ideas. Brainstorming is a great way to kill time
  7. Learn something new. If you’ve always wanted to learn something, now’s the time to do it
  8. Take a hot bath or shower. You can spend as long as you want
  9. Chat with friends on social media
  10. Download a new phone game
  11. Write reviews for places you’ve been recently
  12. Go for a stroll. Taking a walk in the park is a nice way to catch some fresh air
  13. Do some weightlifting
  14. Catch up with an old friend
  15. Watch music videos or listen to music
  16. Try a new hobby. Test out some popular pasttimes
  17. Work on your resume
  18. Do some DIY. You probably have some ideas. If not, the internet’s at your disposal
  19. Volunteer somewhere
  20. Eat something you haven’t tried
  21. Work on a puzzle
  22. Color in adult coloring books
  23. Make a care package with small gifts for your friend
  24. Watch TV
  25. Eat dessert
  26. Write a poem. Have fun with some rhymes
  27. Update your journal or diary
  28. Organize a room of your house
  29. Check out some books at the library
  30. Go to a nearby garden
  31. Take a ride
  32. Browse through your photos. You can also search through photos online.
  33. Call a relative from far away
  34. Go to some thrift shops to spark your creativity. Or you can just go shopping
  35. Write a story
  36. Start gardening
  37. Cook something you haven’t cooked before
  38. Make some hot chocolate
  39. Check the emails in your inbox
  40. Take a nap
  41. Add to your scrapbook
  42. Write a letter to someone
  43. Bike a new trail
  44. Explore town. You may find some cool places if you actually look
  45. Browse Zillow if you love looking at homes
  46. Make a jar and fill it with scraps of paper for fun things you could do. Then, pull from the jar and do that thing
  47. Go for a swim or a suntan
  48. Drink coffee or tea to wake yourself up. You could go to a coffee shop too
  49. Check out a museum
  50. Go site-seeing, even if it’s at a place you live in

As you can see, there are plenty of things you can do when you are bored. Browsing the internet, or just doing whatever comes to your mind, could be great ways to pass time. You can also check out more articles on Plan and Organize – we have a wide range of interesting topics.


Are you bored at school, college, or at work? Here are some great books!

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