Sunday, February 23, 2025
The Success Guide

Plan an Excellent Movie Night With These 3 Tips

Do the right planning and make the right accommodations

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Having a movie night, or a movie marathon, is a great way to relax with friends and family. Whether it’s a 24-hour movie marathon, or just one movie you want to watch with friends, it’s always a good idea to plan some.

Step 1: Plan the Basics

How long will the movie night be? Who will go to the movie night? These are two very important questions that should be answered. If it’s a 24-hour movie marathon, then timing would be different for sure. On the other hand, there is also a difference between doing a party with friends and family, and doing a party with people you don’t know very well. They require different planning, timing, and RSPVing.

If your party is a very long marathon, then plan on minimizing how much daytime there would be. Maybe you’ll do an all-nighter from 8pm to 8am. Or, maybe it’s going to be a 24-hour marathon, in which case you’ll have to think a little more. Which direction is your movie room facing? Depending on the direction it is facing, there could be more daylight at certain times. Time it out right so that you can minimize daylight, to create the best ambience.

Also, RSVPs should be considered, based on your audience. If you’re throwing a last minute movie party with some available friends and family, then no RSVPs would be required, and your planning will be briefer. If you are planning a big event, with some strangers and extended friends and family, then people should have at least a week to reply to RSVPs.

Make sure you consider a time when people are available, such as from Friday night to Saturday night.

Step 2: Choosing Movies

When choosing movies, you need to carefully consider the people attending. If they are your friends and family, then asks for requests, and come up with good ideas. No matter who is attending your party, come up with a theme. Will it be Sci-Fi, Christmas, or something else? If you have unknown people coming to the party, come up with some unobjectionable movies to play. Of course, keep it appropriate to the audience, and have some backup movies to play in case people get bored, or a movie is scratched and doesn’t work.

If you need some ideas for a movie series to marathon, here are three great ones people tend to really enjoy:

Movie series that are great for kids:

Step 3: Setting Up and Making Accommodations

Now that you’ve chosen a movie and gotten everyone excited, it’s time to get the right setup, and to accommodate everyone. Plan on trying to do this the day of and/or the day before.

First, you’ll want to set up seating. Where is the TV or projector? You’ll want to center everyone around the TV, and keep people away from the projector if there is one. Try to set up a movie theater layout, with everyone facing forward, and slightly curved rows. Having a couple small tables and trays would also be great.

Tip: consider having intermissions between, or in, movies. This gives people time to go to the bathroom, get their snacks, and talk some.

Now that everyone has his own comfortable spot, get food and drinks. Popcorn is an essential, while there are other snacks to consider also. A little sugar is fine, but too much results in drowsiness. Instead, have carbs and protein in snacks, and put out plenty of water. Try to keep it simple. Chips are great, and fruits and raw veggies are even better. Have something that everyone can eat, regardless of alergies, so that no one will feel left out.

Also, you’ll want to consider the length of the party when making food decisions. Who wants to eat popcorn for 26 hours? Not me, or at least I won’t want popcorn for a long time. People will expect meals in long parties, so have breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner ideas ready for long parties. Consider going out for some quick fast food for everyone during intermission. Have a great movie night!

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