Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Success Guide

Organize Your Office in Just 5 Easy Steps

All you need to maximize your office’s efficiency

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Do you want to organize your office? Are you moving into a new office, or creating one at home? By setting up your office and keeping it organized, you’ll have an optimal environment for productivity, comfort, and efficiency. Whether you want to organize your office at work, or you just want to clean you home office, you’ll find these steps helpful.

Step 1: Situate Your Desk

It is best to have your desk near a window or facing a window. This allows you to rest your eyes and enjoy the outdoors while you work, instead of feeling cooped up in an office. Perhaps you have a long wall in your room, or a nice corner. When finding the right place for your desk, it’s all up to your preferences.

Step 2: Organize Your Desk

Alright, so you’ve gotten your desk situated. What about organizing your desk? You’ll want to make sure the desk is clear before starting to organize your desk. Once it’s clear, put the most used things closest to you on the desktop. For those things that you use often, but belong in a drawer, put them in the closest drawer. Reorganize your papers also, and throw out what you don’t need. If you need any more information on organizing your desk, check out our article on 7 Easy Ways to Organize Your Desk.

You’ll want to try out your desk. If it is L-shaped, you’ll want to be sure it is easy to reach everything, and that your chair is at the right spot.

Step 3: Get More Furniture

Desk space
By Jessica Arends

When setting up your office, you’ll need more than just a desk or a table. You’ll need some chairs, some filing cabinets, and even some drawers. Consider having furniture that rolls, so you can easily move it around and reorganize your office. For your filing cabinet, if you want one, make sure it is bolted into the wall, especially if you have children around. Since filing cabinets pull out far, the weight can tip them over. Once you have enough furniture for your office to not seem like a prison, you can start cleaning your office, clearing clutter, and making it look good.

Step 4: Clean It All Up

When cleaning your office, look for anything you don’t want or need. Unimportant papers that are years old? Toss them. Confidential papers that aren’t important? Toss them, but shred them first. A lot of the stuff you find in the office may be confidential, so shred random papers when you’re in doubt. You’ll also find that you have a lot of cables. What do you do with those? You can get cord holders that group cords together. That way, you’ll see only one big cord instead of a tangled mess of who knows what.

You may wants some ways to reduce the mess in your office. Have everything digitized. Using a scanner, you can scan all papers and documents as PDFs. You can also write all reports and documents on your computer. By having everything digitized, you’ll save so much space, and clear so much clutter.

Step 5: Make It Your Own

Now that you have an office that works, make it your own. Nobody likes to work in an office that seems boring and unfamiliar. Bring some picture frames of your family. Have a small potted plant. Put your favorite mug on your desk. Whatever makes you yourself will make your office feel like it’s yours.

Need any extra supplies for organizing your office? Here are some great ones:

By following those five simple steps, you are on your way to having a great office that helps you be efficient and productive. If you liked this article, check out more on Plan and Organize. We also have an At Work category that you might like.
