Sunday, February 23, 2025
The Success Guide

8 Easy Tips for Closet Organization

Need to organize your closet? This article can help!

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It can be difficult to have an organized closet where everything is in the place where it belongs. However, with these quick tips, you can have your closet organized in no time!

1. Organize Your Clothes

Divide your clothes into different categories based off of their function. Put socks and underwear into one drawer, your shirts in another drawer, and your pants in yet another drawer. Put seasonal items, or items that you don’t use on a regular basis, in drawers that are out of the way.

An example would be that you might have four drawers. In the top drawer you might put your underwear and socks. In the next drawer down you might put your folded shirts. Below that you could have your pants. Split the drawer between pants on one side, jeans on the other, and/or skirts on another side. Below that, in the bottom drawer, you could put your seasonal items, such as your scarfs and jackets.

2. Use Dividers in Your Drawers

You can use all sorts of dividers to divide the content inside your drawers. You can use anything from commercial plastic dividers from Amazon, to cereal boxes cut in half. This will help you to be able to easily access the contents of the drawers.

Here is a good option for a cloth drawer divider. Cloth drawer dividers are soft on your clothes, and can readily be bent and reshaped. They do have some drawbacks (they can rip, they can mold, they can disintegrate).

If you don’t want a cloth drawer divider, there are many plaster. The reason why you would want a plastic drawer divider is because it will hold up longer, and not fall apart or cause the contents of your drawers to smell.

3. Hang Up Your Fancy Clothes

Anything that you don’t want wrinkled shouldn’t be folded and put in a drawer. For your suit or dress that you are planning on wearing at some point, don’t fold them up and stow them away in a drawer. If you hang clothes up, they won’t get wrinkled as much, and you’ll be better able to remember them when you need them.

4. Donate Old Clothes

For clothes that no longer fit or that you just don’t wear anymore (or don’t like), don’t continue to have those in your drawers and on hangers in your closet. You can put them away in boxes at the top of your closet, or you can donate them to a charity. If you have any sentimental attachment to clothes of any sort, you might keep them, though it would probably be better to donate them.

5. Put Shoes in Boxes

Don’t put your shoes in with your other clothes. That will only result in smelly clothes. Put your shoes in boxes, and put them in their own drawer, or location, in your closet. Shoes that you use for outside work (boots, old shoes, etc.) should be put in your garage, in a plastic bin, or someplace where it is easy to access and also out of the way.

If you like being able to see your shoes, you may consider using a shoe rack, so that you can see them all. If you have a large closet, you might consider a special shoe section, so that you can see it well.

6. Empty Pockets First

So many people put clothes in their closet and then empty the pockets before they put them in the laundry. It is much better to empty anything you have in your clothes before you put them in the dirty clothes hamper. This prevents you from attracting bugs into your closet.

7. Organize Your Accessories by Category

Purses, sunglasses, glasses, handbags, and jewelry should all be put in their own boxes/drawers. This will keep them organized, make them easier to access, and allow you to remember where they are. You might want to put purses and handbags in one box, with all the smaller stuff (glasses, sunglasses, jewelry, etc.) in another box.

Belts, however, belong either in their own drawer, or in with the pants. Ties should be put with shirts, or in with the belts in their own drawer (you are likely to wear a belt if you wear are going to wear a tie). Hats should either be put on a hanger or put in their own box.

If you have an expensive watch, keep it in its case, or put it in a safe, secure case. The same goes for any other fragile or valuable accessories.

8. Set a Timeline

For the seasonal clothes, you should schedule out a day each year to take them out and put them up (dependent on weather of course). That will help you when you actually really need them, so that you will not have to go through your whole closet just to get them. If you expect to need your jacket in October, get the jackets and long-sleeve shirts out in September. If you’re going to need your swim trunks/swimsuits in May, get them out in April, and put them up in September.

No matter how many different types of apparel you have, know that each type has its own place. That way, your closet can stay more organized, and your mind can feel clearer.

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