The Top 10 Best Houseplants for Your House
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Do you want some houseplants in your house? Maybe you wish to make your house more lively, or maybe you want to purify your air. Maybe you want a pet (ok, I sense some of you not laughing there). Either way, a houseplant is a great way to better the style of your house, and it will definitely make your house seem more nature friendly. Here are the top ten houseplants that you’ll want to consider:
1. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
This plant is small and beautiful. It purifies air, and it adds a nice tropical feeling to any home. It can tolerate realtively low levels of light, and it does a great job removing pollutants from the air, such as xylene. Water them a little bit at a time, and make sure it has good drainage. It is best looking in entryways and living rooms, but it would make a nice addition to a bright office.
2. Ficus Alii (Ficus maclellandii)
This plant is easy to care for. It is also an air purifier. You’ll find it’s flowing leaves and pleasant appearance to be great for your house. It can remove formaldehyde from the air, but it can lose leaves when it goes under shock from changing environments. Make sure this plant gets bright, indirect sunlight, and that it has most, but not too wet, soil.
3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)

This is a very well known and common indoor plant. Coming in two varieties, white and yellow, it prefers moderate, indirect sunlight, and it loves water. Peace lilies look great everywhere, but are amazing for living rooms and offices. They are also excellent purifiers., as they can filter out formaldehyde, benzene, acetone, trichloroethylene, and alcohol, among others. This calm plant is easy to care for.
4. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
This plant has more than just a cool name. It is easy to take care of, and it can be put anywhere in your house due to its convenient size. Behaving well in all amounts of shade and sunlight, this plant is content with its environment, as long as it is grown in water. With its green stalks and shoots, it will add a little brightness to your day.
5. Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum)
Spider plants are very adaptable and easy to plant. It is fine with shade, but it loves sunlight. With its striped, green foliage, it is stylish by nature. You’ll find it great to have in offices, bedrooms, living rooms, and even hallways. It can be grown in practically anything (pots, baskets, hanging baskets, etc). You will find its simplicity and looks very relaxing.
6. Impatiens (Impatiens walleriana)
Impatiens are simply beautiful. With many bright color combinations, and small, lively blooms, it will make your room much more relaxing. It’s fine in hanging baskets and pots, and it prefers moderate shade and moist soil. It’s floweriness will make a gre

at difference in any room that you put it in.
7. Begonias
Begonias are colorful, eccentric plants that will make any room livelier. There are over 1,800 species of them, each one offering a little uniqueness to your house. They like partial shade moist soil, but they aren’t the easiest plants to grow. With a little effort though, you’ll find begonias to be a very rewarding houseplant.
8. Ferns
Ferns are a classic plant that you should have in your house. They live in a variety of environments, so they’ll be fine in whatever room you decide to have them in. They mostly have light green foliage, and they prefer shady areas. Ferns are quite easy to grow, and they also live quite long – the perfect houseplant for anyone.
9. Dichondra (Dichondra Argentea)
Dichondra love to spread and hang. That makes them ideal for baskets, especially hanging baskets. Their lush green foliage will add a nice bit of nature to any room of your house. They like medium amounts of moisture, and various levels of sunlight and shade. They’re so easy to grow, and they grow quickly, so you’ll see fast results.
10. Trailing Lobelia

LIke the dichondra, but with beautiful blue flowers, this plant is excellent for hanging baskets or trailing. Trailing lobelia will add a nice feeling of comfort to the room you have it in. Also like dichondra, they are fine with various levels of light, from sunny to shady. They also prefer rich and moist soil.
As you can see, there are many varieties of houseplants that will be excellent for any house. If you liked this article, check out more on Plan and Organize – we have a wide variety of helpful articles that you’ll find interesting.
Steve is a staff writer at Plan and Organize™. He specializes in articles about technology and education yet often delves into home, business and finance topics.